Monday, March 25, 2013

Leaders in Making – Perth 2013

DAY 1 - 13rd MAc 2013

Perdana Leader Fellowship International  Perth Symposium started with our first visit to one of the non-government organization called Spacecubed. Spacecube is an office space initiated by Social Innovations in Western Australia (SiiWA) to provide comfortable working space to those who don’t effort to own an office space for their business. This organization also provides “Idea Room” to gather all users in a room just to generate ideas for their business. It has been a very good exposure for us delegates to have an idea to implement the same concept back in Malaysia. In Malaysia we do have a concept similar like that not on social enterprise or NGO concept.

A little bit about SiiWA:

Western Australia is going through a rapid change due to continued escalation in the resources sector. This investment has meant that communities are expanding and contracting much more quickly than the social systems around them can adapt. This leaves a real potential for unhealthy social systems to develop which will have a negative impact on the communities and people that live and work in them.
This rapid change needs resilient, active and innovative communities that have the tools and resources to build strong social systems that support everyone. Social innovation in Western Australia has been created to facilitate this change, enable leaders and entrepreneurs and promote what they are doing to inspire Government, Business and the Community to deliberately create a better future for WA.
A Western Australia where social innovation is fundamental in the development of prosperous, sustainable and happy communities.
Co-create Western Australia’s Social Infrastructure 
Support entrepreneurs, communities and business to deliver social good through innovation.

 Unique Entrance

 The map of Perth City by SpaceCube

The team from PLF 2013

Something called as "Idea"

After the wonderful sharing with SiiWA, we been taken to the Western Australia’s International Chamber of Commerce (CCI). Our session with was accompanied by Mr. Nick, who is in charge of International Relations in CCI. We have shared our knowledge in identifying the similarities and difference with Malaysian Investment Development Corporation (MIDA).

The Team in CCI

Our colleague writing a thank you note to Mr. Nick 

The office


Later in the afternoon, we have made a trip around Perth City and reached the Barrack’s Jetty for the next session, which is Enrichment Leadership Cruise with David Kotsoukis.  We had a two hours cruise with David to share his knowledge with us regarding leadership values according to Acropolis style.

Our colleague

The environment

The scenery outside

In between the programs scheduled for us, we have also had chance to walk along the city centre and did some handful shopping at The City Souvenir Shop.  We have been treated with delicious Asian course for lunch and dinner at Indonesian Cuisine and Makan-Makan Café.

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